Favorite Things

Favorite Things

We’ve done it. We’ve reached that time of year in the north when the days are beginning to get warmer, but the sky is overcast and cloudy all the time. On the rare occasion when the sun peaks out, you get a glimpse of how low the sun is and without that blanket of clouds to hold in the warmth, the temperature plummets. But that’s okay, it’s also that time of year for you to bring out your favorite things.

When was the last time you dusted off that family photo album? Look at all those smiling faces looking back at you. Stir up some easy bread and enjoy the smell all afternoon. While it is still warm, slather on your favorite jam. Here is a fun, almost mess free recipe for bread. The smell is amazing.

I visited some friends for a friendly game of cards and the hostess served Ox-tail Soup for lunch! Talk about a blast from the past. There I was again, 60 years ago, sitting at the dining room table with my family and eating my mom’s delicious ox-tail soup. Yum! If you can find those ox tails, you’ll pay $12/pound. What’s your favorite childhood soup? Find a recipe and make it! Thanks, Jane. You’re the best! She even sent me home with the leftovers.

Is there a project you started a couple of years ago and never finished? Somehow life just seems to get in the way sometimes. Pull that thing out of the cobwebs and figure out where you are with it. You must have liked it or you wouldn’t have started it. You will be amazed at how happy and good you will feel when it’s done. I’m doing that now with some fabric and patterns I bought during the pandemic. It’s not taking long to complete and I have some whole new outfits to wear.

If you like to travel, this is either a good time to pack up the car and travel south for a few weeks, or a great time to start planning your next getaway. Go to the library and get some books on exotic places. Spin a globe and drop your finger. Where will your adventurous spirit take you? How about Nashville, or a cruise down the Mississippi? What about to the local tavern for wine tasting or trivia?

Remember that YOU are your most important and wonderful favorite thing. Save time to take care of yourself first so that you can enjoy your wonderful life and those great friends and family you chose to surround yourself with. Be sure to exercise routinely, eat those vegetables (mom was right), wash behind your ears and keep that smile on your face. People will smile back at you. I’ll bet that when you see a smiling face it’s one of your favorite things.

I can’t write a blog post about favorite things without mentioning my dog. Pets can be a great addition to a happy life. I’ve had birds and dogs as pets. While I’ve enjoyed both, dogs are definitely my thing. Maybe you like cats or rabbits or horses? Living with animals can enrich your life by adding joy, companionship and in my case, more exercise! Our new rat terrier surprised by actually being an Australian Cattle Dog. They have wonderful bursts of energy during the day and demand to either walk or play. Our sweet girl is almost seven. If you decide to get a dog, do what we did and consider an older adult or senior dog. It’s perfect for us since we are also older. They still have lots of love to give, just like us. Don’t you love how Tipper has surrounded herself with her favorite toys? There must be something to this.

What are your favorite things? It’s time to surround yourself with them.


  1. Pam Reiss

    Thanks for being a ray of sunshine on these dreary days!

  2. Liz

    Enjoy your writing and your topics! Good ideas for anyone!

  3. Lisa Burkhart

    This was an amazing blog. I really enjoyed it. Good reminder for all of us. Love the top you made

  4. Ruthie

    Couldn’t help but feeling like bursting into song from Sound of Music when I was reading this. I think I might have too many favorite things; never too many favorite people.
    Bless you Stella

  5. Monica

    Thank you Sharon for the inspiring blob… My husband and I also like to plan and go on trips, we do trivia at our local pizza place and we got a new dog!

  6. Monica

    Oops, I meant blog not blob…lol

  7. Abby

    Well written
    Sharon you shine as a story teller
    One day I’ll try the bread receipe

  8. Debra Shields

    Good advice to make the most of each day, especially the cold winter ones.

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