Time Change

Time Change

I look forward to the “spring ahead” time change every year. It marks the end of the long dark winter in Wisconsin when most day shift workers don’t see the sun from from fall to spring except for the weekend. Let’s hope this year marks the end to this foolishness. Let’s “spring ahead” all year round!

Spring time change gives us a reminder to appreciate the time we have. When we were kids, we worked at playing and learning about the world around us, then we worked to learn a trade, then we worked and worked and worked until we were able to retire if we were lucky. But now that we have some extra time, what do we do with it?

Have you noticed that when you were a child, time seemed to drag and drag, especially if you were waiting for something? But as we got older, time seemed to speed by until now it’s hard to keep the weeks straight since they are speeding by so quickly. Time becomes more precious. It becomes more important to make the best use of time. One thing I’ve learned on my journey is to have a purpose. If you have a purpose, it can be your lighthouse to help guide your daily life. It doesn’t matter what your purpose is, as long as you have one.

Do you like to hike or sew, read or bike? Do you like to do charity work? What about cooking or baking? Maybe you’ve learned to paint? Do you see a theme? It’s about you and being the best you can be. Find some one or a bunch of some ones to share your purpose. Maybe they share a similar purpose. Be attentive and listen to what burdens those around you carry. If your purpose or passions align, share them to lighten the load. Turn away from negativity, confront it and deny its influence on your life. If you follow your purpose and share your passions, the world will be a better place because of YOU. YOU MATTER.

I hope you enjoy my pictures of a few things that give my life purpose. Now pull out your pictures and you will see what gives your life purpose.


  1. Peggy

    Well done Sharon.

    • Anne Hart

      Love this!!

  2. Lisa Burkhart

    Excellent blog. Very reflective

  3. Liz Senn

    As always, excellent and makes me think about the really important stuff.

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