Who’s There?

Who’s There?

Last weekend we woke up to a beautiful 7 inch snowfall that sparkled in the sunlight. The surface looked like a gorgeous sugar coated cookie. Not a footstep or tree fall marred the surface. We didn’t have to go anywhere so we stayed inside and enjoyed the day, feeling lucky that we didn’t need to go out.

The snow looked completely different the next day when we woke up to crisscrossed footsteps in the snow. There were deer tracks, coyote tracks, bunny tracks and raccoon. Some footsteps were quite large and others were tiny, perhaps birds or mice? But one thing was for certain. The weather had turned COLD!

My husband was looking out the back window and suddenly called out that he had just seen a black dog run by. After checking the Neighborhood app, we learned there was a dog on the run. There were quite a number of people looking for this poor cold dog. It took two days, but amazingly, this frightened girl ran into an open door, finally deciding to look for help and stop running. That must have been one cold and hungry dog.

You could tell that the animals were struggling. We kept the bird feeders full and they were being visited by deer, squirrels and a variety of birds including wild turkey and a red tailed hawk. We are looking forward to some warmer weather this week, but the snowy ground cover reminded us that we don’t live here alone and that we share our space with quite a few other souls that may depend on our help to keep going.

The cold weather broke today and we were able to enjoy some warmer temperatures. Even Tipper got in the act and searched for mice and ground squirrels in the snow. Isn’t she a beauty?

1 Comment

  1. Pam

    I too was intrigued by all the animal tracks cross crossing the newly fallen snow!
    Thanks Sharon

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