Travel Food

Travel Food

Do you have cabin fever, yet? I know that I do. I want to get back out on the water or into the woods and go hiking. A lot of my friends are traveling and exploring warmer climates and some brave explorers are going some place colder, right Liz? Fortunately, they are generous with their pictures.

But what if you can’t travel right now? One way you can explore other places is through food or beverage tastings. Recently, I explored different regions of Portugal and discovered a new favorite wine. Have a taste of Vinho Verde wine. It’s a great sparkly white wine from Northern Portugal. My friend Mary put together a delicious wine tasting using various boxed wines. Did you know that they store better than wine in a bottle? Check it out and explore what foods go with the wines you chose. Plan a meal around them.

Another way to travel through food is by attending a food related fund raiser. Recently, we attended a chili tasting at a local bar to raise money for the canine police force in our town. This option has multiple benefits; you meet some great people, you raise funds for your charity, you get to eat some yummy food, and if you’re lucky you may win a gift basket like I did. Yay, weather station!

If you are having trouble coming up with some food ideas, go to the library and explore some cook books or travel books. I’ll bet you find some that you may wish to explore. Maybe you would enjoy buying a new cook book and start at the beginning and over time, make every recipe in the book. There are some really fun books out there by some new authors. Bon Appetit has some great recommendations here.

Perhaps there is something going on in the news that might interest you. I’m going to explore English food for the King’s Coronation. I might even wear a tiara! I hope you enjoy the pictures of my recent food travels. I hope you enjoy some travels of your own.

Craw fish Dip. I could eat this all day.
Well, it was shrimp bisque…
Pasta with red sauce.
Mushroom stuffed tenderloin.
Save room for dessert.
My favorite was #1, smoked chicken and sausage chili. Outstanding.


  1. Abby

    Great memories of previous food extravaganzas
    Beautiful pictures
    Encouraged me to search for new recipes

  2. Liz Senn

    Great blog as usual! On a diet and you’re making me crazy! I know.everything in moderation but it all looked and sounded so good!

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