Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

One of the best parts of living in the north is watching the seasons change. It is so much fun going out into the garden to look for signs of life. It’s hard to believe that even after a hard, cold winter, you see signs of green peeking out beneath the snow. I have been seeing many signs of life on the snow, tracks and skat and winter birds singing. But now, besides the chickadee, I am beginning to see robins and blackbirds.

I spent the afternoon raking in my garden and cleaning up wind debris. But I wasn’t alone. Look at these hardy souls that are finding their way back to life. I love that Woolly Bear Caterpillar. Do you know that they freeze solid during cold weather and yet somehow manage to come back to life when the weather warms up? I’m looking forward to see it turn into an Isabella Tiger Moth. How about the little wolf spider walking over the snow? It may seem cold outside, but the sun is really warm. Everyone still needs to eat, and sadly, the clump of feathers is what is left of someone’s dinner. We have been hearing owls at night and have seen a few eagles and red tail hawks nearby.

I still have some work to do outside, but all this life has me looking forward to planning my garden. I can’t wait to shop for coreopsis, blue aster, sweet marjoram….