Grab Your Canteen and Go!

Grab Your Canteen and Go!
This sky is stunning. It almost looks like a sunset, but it is late morning.

You don’t know what the day holds in store if you are huddled inside. There are many trails and parks nearby and if you don’t feel adventurous, it’s time to walk through your neighborhood and meet a new friend. Fill your canteen and sling it over your shoulder. Stuff a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in your pocket and an apple in the other and out the door you go.

Today, we chose the Bugline Trail in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It is a beautiful winter day and there is plenty to see. Look what we found today.

We have a little ice on the stream today.
Can you see the forest tree walking into the stream?
This barkless tree was so beautiful, I had to share.
Mr. and Mrs. Duck enjoying a day fishing.
Mrs. Duck found something good to eat.
Quarry filled with Canadian geese. I love the sun shining through the clouds on this late morning view.
Hello sun.
Remnants of days past.
A squirrels cozy homestead.
Could this be an owls house?
Quarry geese.
Looking through buck thorn.
Mossy trail through the forest.
A lone Wisconsin jogger. Note the bare legs with snow and ice on the ground.