Have a Joyful Holiday Season

Have a Joyful Holiday Season

This has been an unusual year at best, filled with special challenges. (Do we all have enough toilet paper now?) If you are like me, you have lost someone in your life this year, but you have also gained a new appreciation for those special people that love you all year long. We are having a very isolated Christmas, but it is a Christmas filled with joyful memories and love from family and friends.

I am so grateful for my family that loves me, and for my friends, the family I have chosen. I’m grateful for our special neighbors and their children that watch for us. I am grateful for chocolate bombs, and cookies, for Christmas lights and carols, for my old dog Stumpy and the gifts she tries to open, for my health and my doctors, for Zoom calls and socially distanced hikes. And thank goodness for Netflix!

When we got home from our walk yesterday, my husband researched the name of the little creek next to the Bugline Trail. Amazingly, it’s the Fox River! The same river I grew up fishing in. The same river I learned to swim and water ski. The same river my brothers and I hopped rocks in and caught crawdads my mother would boil up for us. No matter what you’ve been through, take time to remember who you are and everything you are grateful for.