Let Your Life Be Your Joy

Let Your Life Be Your Joy

My mom used to pack lunches for my brothers and me and send us off to play. We needed to be home by dinner, so it meant a whole day of adventure, as far as our legs would take us and back. Today, I put an apple in my pocket and joined my grade school friends for a day of joyful play, as far as our legs could take us and back.

How fun to get out into the woods and actually hear the snow fall and the geese call. We celebrated the life of a dear friend we recently lost and remembered all the fun we had. What a great reminder to turn off the TV, get off Facebook and get outside to actually live life. We have so many adventures ahead of us. Don’t miss out.

On my drive home, I listened to the radio Right on cue, Queen began to play Bohemian Rhapsady. What could be more perfect than to belt out Queen? The lyrics to this song are so haunting, but today, “Open your eyes. Look up to the skies and see.” held special meaning. You only get one chance in life so make the most of it. Figure out what brings you joy and do it. Do it now and without hesitation.

Grade School Friends are Forever Friends

I hope everyone will have the chance to play with their forever friends, or have a chance to make new forever friends. Let’s play!