Zoo Me!

Zoo Me!

Have you ever been to the zoo in the winter? I haven’t either, so it’s time we went. My husband was a good sport and came along for the ride. This weekend the Milwaukee County Zoo had a free family day and we decided to take advantage of it. Am I glad we did. It is a completely different experience than a warm weather zoo visit.

You would think that the polar bears and penguins would be the star of the show, but maybe it was the local ducks that took over the elk enclosure. How fun is that? I thought the camels looked like double humped woolly mammoths in their luxurious winter coats. And what about the gorgeous snowy wonderland in the middle of the city?

I can’t wait to find our next adventure. The pandemic has made us so introverted, it’s been great turning off electronics and tuning back in to the world around us.