Walking for Friendship

Walking for Friendship

Today was a great day in Wisconsin. The sun was out and the temperature was mild. We decided to take advantage of the weather and go for a walk in the neighborhood. We left our little terrier Stumpy at home. Her days of going for long walks are over, but she is always excited to see us come home and is quick to ask for her tummy rub.

We actually heard robins chirping, and stopped to look up into the trees to look for them. We found our friends perched high in the trees above us. We continued on and came upon a man walking out of his garage with a Boston Bull Terrier on a leash. This man had the biggest grin on his face and he was clearly proud of that little dog. He was a beauty, a strong husky bull terrier with a beautiful black and white coat. We learned his name was Winston and that little guy was not going to let us near his pappy.

Winston is this family’s COVID dog. As a dog owner, I know how dogs can give you purpose. There is nothing like caring for a warm fuzzy dog that loves you no matter what. The funny thing is, they take care of you, too. We have had Stumpy for over 15 years after rescuing her from a shelter. Sadly, we had to have her left rear leg amputated and arthritis keeps her from walking with us now that she is older. But, this gives us the opportunity to meet other dogs (and their owners) on our walks. Everyone is exceptionally friendly these days and happy to stop to chat while social distancing. Walking is a great way to meet your neighbors and their pets.