Possible Impossible Goals

Possible Impossible Goals

Was there ever something you really wanted to do, but it just seemed too difficult or overwhelming? If so, then stop looking at the whole piece and crack it up into smaller segments. I have always wanted to walk the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin. 1,200 miles of glacial terrain containing rocky, rolling landscape filled with beautiful water features is just waiting for the exploring. There’s no time to wait, BUT how could I explore 1,200 miles on foot? Easy. Do it one piece at a time.

It takes a little planning in order to be safe, but the trail has a great website that will help you plan your day. I also purchased an atlas of the trail which breaks the trail into small segments and shows available parking and bathroom facilities. Next, I knew that I would need adequate gear, even though I would be hiking on smaller segments of the trail. To me, that meant layers of clothing that I could remove as needed, good hiking boots that would keep my footing secure, water and a small snack.

On November 3, 2020, we started on the first leg of our journey, the Loew Lake segment. We chose to divide this segment into two pieces, about three miles for each segment. For us, that was doable. It may take us longer than if we had done this when we were younger, but we can still do it with a little pre-planning. We were surprised by how many people were out on the trail enjoying this beautiful day. It seems that we aren’t the only ones to have discovered this gem.

Don’t wait to achieve those big goals. Just break it into smaller pieces and do it one piece at a time. Just look at all the beauty we found this day. Our old dog, Stumpy, was waiting for us at the end of the day.