

Witnessing the peaceful transfer of power in our country is my favorite part of an election. It doesn’t matter who you voted for, this is something to honor. Besides filling me with pride and joy, it also reminds me of the sacrifices that have been made throughout our history to bring this country to where it is today. We aren’t perfect, that’s for sure, but that’s why we strive for a “more perfect union”.

I loved seeing all the purple at the inauguration. To me, it was a symbol of all the suffragettes that worked so hard to promote the rights of women. We celebrated 100 years of the woman’s right to vote just this past year, in 2020, and there is finally a woman serving as Vice-President.

To celebrate this day, I had to combine it with another favorite of mine…food!! Today is National Cheese Day. I chose to dress up the humble corn muffin with bacon and cheese. It’s delicious. My hope is that our leaders also choose humility.