COVID Vaccine

COVID Vaccine

Last week was very special. Both my husband and I were called to receive the COVID vaccine. I received the Pfizer vaccine and my husband received the Moderna vaccine. Neither of us had any side effects with the first vaccine. To me, this was such a joyful first step in getting our lives back. I only hope that everyone can experience this joy as quickly as possible.

There are so many reasons to get the vaccine that far outweigh any negatives. With nearly a half million deaths from the COVID virus and none from the vaccine, I wanted to try to discover why people are afraid of the vaccine. Some of the top reasons include that the vaccine is grown in fetal cells (it’s not), it changes your DNA (it doesn’t), it will make you sterile (it won’t), and others. I was able to find a few documents that help to dispel these concerns.

First, from the University of Cambridge, here is an introduction to mRNA vaccines. From Henry Ford Health System, here is a link to the top ten Myths of COVID vaccines. From America, The Jesuit Review, a question and answer session with Dr. Moira McQueen, adviser to Catholic Bishops that may help with vaccine morality questions. Ultimately, the pandemic won’t stop until we reach herd immunity and that won’t happen until we either have enough people vaccinated or have gotten the disease. In addition, the longer it takes to vaccinate, the more time the virus will have to mutate. I hope these documents help you if you have any questions.

I’m happy to be a part of reaching herd immunity and so grateful to have received the vaccine. To celebrate, I made my first tart. What do think about it?