Animal Tracks

Animal Tracks

Another gorgeous sunny day in the north before the next round of snow moves in tomorrow. This is a good day to check out what animals are living among us. Have you noticed pathways running through the snow? I have. They lead through the woods directly to our bird feeder and our neighbor’s cedar trees. The deer love the cedar and have been known to gobble up the bird seed. I see tiny little bird tracks on our roof and little tracks followed by a trail left by little mouse tails. Hmm. What about that little bundle of fur? Dinner for a coyote or red tail hawk? Can you see the little air hole through the snow in my lead picture? I wonder who lives down there?

What a difference in the landscape from these Ice Age Trail pictures taken on November 9, 2020 on the northern section of the Monches segment. I can imagine all the little critter homes around me, can you?

A red tail hawk watching our snowy bird feeder. Look out, blue jays!