Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday

It’s Fat Tuesday! Time to enjoy that last eating spree before Lent. I’ve been baking quite a bit during the lock down. If you’re like me, you’ve put on a pound or two and the reckoning is near. But in the meantime, Pecan Maple scones for me!

While munching on my scones, I’m going to enjoy looking back at some of the treats I have made over the winter. It’s been a little chilly and snowy out here, so we have been looking forward to each warm piece of goodness that pops out of the oven. Happily, we have likely hit the coldest day of the year and it will begin to warm up from here. And yes, it’s true. I had better get my chubby self back out onto the trail.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Dchmidt

    Wow, that’s a lot of bakery, Stella. Do you always take pictures of food you make?
    I’m much more of a cooker than a baker. I do make a yummy banana cream pie. So many of our memories and emotions are connected to food. Enjoy every morsel.

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