Spread Your Wings

Spread Your Wings

So often, I have heard that as you age, your circle of friends shrinks. Maybe so. But what are you interested in? Do you have friends with the same interests? Maybe they have friends that also share these interests.

Today I pursued my interest in kayaking. I love exploring the outdoors. Nothing beats floating down an easy river and finding what new and exciting plants, birds, or other creatures are out there living with us. I have several friends that want to kayak, but they don’t all know each other and they don’t all have a kayak!

Problem solved. My dear friend Liz offered her extra kayak so a couple of newbies to the sport could give it a try. Success! We now have two more people interested in getting out there. I almost canceled the outing due to rain. The rain was persistent but drizzly most of the morning, but it let up by noon. This gave us plenty of time to load the kayaks and get out to the river.

Lani was the first one out with us. She was excited to see the blue heron on the river edge. They weren’t as excited to see her and loudly squawked as we made our way up the river. Bob tried it out next and was rewarded with a Merganser sighting. He loves to bird watch and this will give him another outlet.

We now have six people with a common interest that we can reach out to when the mood hits. What would you like to do more of? Try reaching out. You might be surprised.


  1. Liz

    Beautiful pictures! Glad we got to do this!

  2. Lani

    It was a great time! Thanks Sharon and Liz for making it possible. The hunt is now on for the perfect kayak for me!

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