Fly Like the Wind

Fly Like the Wind

Did you ever have a chance to do something new… that you always wanted to do? That’s what happened to me last month. Thanks to my wonderful friends agreeing to go with me to offer moral support, I got to go zip lining! What a great opportunity to fly through the trees and over the cornfields. For me, the hardest part was to step off a perfectly good platform and do a quick drop to the ground. I think that all of us had a great time, and it turns out that I wasn’t the only one doing something new. The zip lining company took good care of us and we were always clipped to the cable by a life line. I think that if there were time, I could have gone again.

Try something new! You won’t regret it and you may never get another opportunity. Fly, little bird!


  1. Lisa

    It was an amazing experience. I’m so glad you suggested it. I’ve always wanted to try it, and not sure I ever would have without the support of good friends

  2. Liz

    Fantastic experience! So great that you got to do this!

  3. Mario Gomez

    Love to see you guys having fun trying something different. I will try that too for sure.

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