Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Market

We survived No Mow May and move on to our local Farmer’s Market. All my friends and neighbors tolerated our No Mow May and now that we have finally mowed, the lawn looks lush and green. The grass has already gone to seed, so we will have the benefit of not needing to add grass seed to the lawn fertilizer. I have seen fluffy bumblebees and deep blue sweat bees enjoying our garden. Since we haven’t used insecticide on our lawn, we are welcoming whatever needs a home. Maybe next year we will find an old dog that wants to join us.

Meanwhile, one of the best parts of spring is the start of Farmer’s Market season. I love it! There are any number of treasures to find, ranging from homemade soaps to fresh sweet greens. The larger Farmer’s Markets will also have food trucks and entertainment. Don’t sleep in on Saturday morning or you might miss the fun. Bob and I just roll out of bed, dress and head out for the day.

Last week we spent $19 for fresh carrots, mushrooms, spinach, baby kale and asparagus. It fed us for the past week. We also enjoyed fresh breakfast sandwiches at the market made from homemade brat patties and fresh eggs. Farmer’s Markets are a great way to add value to your food budget and benefit your diet with fresh foods. In addition, I got to talk face to face to the farmers I’m trusting to grow my food.

Enjoy my pictures of my market finds and the meals prepared from these delicious vegetables. Meals include Hungarian mushroom soup, candied carrots, fried eggs with asparagus, sausage soup with kale, spinach salad with strawberries, and carrot bread made with applesauce and dates instead of sugar. I can’t wait until tomorrow to see what new treasures I might find.

Hungarian Mushroom soup


  1. Liz Senn

    Wow! Excellent finds!

  2. Liz Senn

    Wow! Excellent finds! You really know how to take advantage of the good stuff!

  3. Chris

    I totally appreciate the No More May idea to save the bees, but not so much the people that left the Dandelions go so long that They went to seed and are now floating in the air landing on peoples lawns that pay or physically work to have their lawns weed (dandelion) free and will now have all their effort go to not. Not to mention it looks terrible! No thank you- this was a dumb idea who ever came up with this idea. My suggestion is to plant a flowering tree or bush, tulips. Something that is beautiful and doesn’t effect your neighbors yard.

  4. Kathie

    Everything looks delicious!

  5. Ruth Schmidt

    I could go for a super delicious salad right now. Enjoy all your produce!!

    Brooklyn and I just finished washing and preparing an array of fruits and veggies for Kaylee’s 8th grade graduation party.

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