Today’s Going to be a Great Day

Today’s Going to be a Great Day

You bet it is! Sometimes it is all about attitude. Stay busy and stay positive. We have had a busy and exciting month. Since Stumpy died in March, we have had a hole in our little family. I found a little rat terrier mix on a rescue site. The little girl lost her owner when he passed away. She sounded perfect for us. She is six years old, house trained and needed new humans. She also gets along with other dogs and children. We named her Tipper for the little white tip on the end of her tail. Yes, she’s home.

I have been feeling positive about the number of neighbors that are choosing to not spray their lawns for insecticides and herbicides. This is especially important when we see the devastating affect these chemicals have had on the helpful insect population. As an example, the monarch butterfly has just been added to the endangered species list. No insects, no birds. Recently I listened to a young woman excitedly proclaim at the “huge” number of birds in a nearby tree. I looked over and saw a handful of birds and realized that she had no idea what a “huge” number of birds looks like. Take a look at one of the old Tarzan movies if you want a reminder.

Can we get those days back? I don’t know, but when the weather is hot, try going outside and embrace it, or lay out on a blanket under a tree, close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the world around you. Do what you can to make your piece of the world better. Pluck some white clover and violets from your chemical free lawn and braid a crown for your head. You deserve it! You are a wonderful part of this wonderful world.


  1. Mario+Gomez

    Wonderful thoughts and photographs!
    We can not wait to meet Tipper!

  2. liz

    Excellent choice with Tipper! Fits her and she fits you two.

  3. Jill Brazgel

    I love your blog!

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