Off the Edge

Off the Edge

I spent the day out on the water. I always seem to walk away from these outdoor adventures with lessons learned. My lessons will be different than those you might learn. The day was a reminder that we share the world with other creatures. They may not have houses or purchase property, but the world is still their home and we need to respect this if we want to have them around. It was also a reminder to me that things aren’t always divided into definitive edges. It isn’t always clear where the water ends and the land begins or where the land ends and the sky begins. It is also a reminder to care for the environment as we see the destruction of the Emerald Ash Borer on the northern forest and the appearance of new invasive species in our waters. Enjoy my pictures. I would love to hear what they mean to you.

Pickerel Weed – deer love to eat these. Seeds can be eaten like nuts.
Blurring the edge of water and land. Dead ash trees in the background.
White water lily important for fish habitat and protecting the shoreline from erosion. Edible for wildlife.
Pretty picture of the shoreline.
White water lily blooming underwater.

Family of ducks hiding in the rushes.

Banded Mystery Snail imported from China. Scrub your hulls.
Share the day.


  1. Ruth

    Again, amazing pictures, Stella! They are so beautiful. I have always loved lily pads and their flowers. God sure did a great job!!
    Enjoy another glorious day!!

  2. Liz Senn

    beautiful! wish I could have been there! loved all the photos and plant explanations.

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