Do You Really Need That?

Do You Really Need That?

I have heard back from many of you that you cleaned your cupboards. Hurrah! Did you remember to check your refrigerator and freezer? It’s a great excuse to clean your food storage areas. But did you know that food isn’t the only thing that outdates? That’s right. Let’s finish the job.

There are some common bathroom products you should check. The first ones you need to get rid of are outdated medications, lotions, and creams. At the least, these may be ineffective but they could cause harm. Are they doing what you expect or making you feel worse? Have they become contaminated with bacteria causing unexpected rashes or irritations? Check it out. Did you find any that belonged in the last century? Oops. Whatever you do, don’t flush them or throw them in the trash. Take them to your local police department or pharmacy for disposal. We don’t need to poison our fish. We eat them!

Now lets go beyond medication. Did you know that cosmetics aren’t required to have a printed outdate? You may want to use some common sense here. Try keeping a thin line marker with your cosmetics and add a date to indicate date opened. I might keep an open bottle of shampoo longer than I might keep my mascara. If you didn’t mark it and you don’t remember when you bought it, it’s probably time to discard it. This is a great opportunity to update your look. You aren’t twenty anymore, so look for some age appropriate make-up videos and update your routine. You will love it! Pay attention to the labels on the new products. Are they tested on animals? Are they hypoallergenic? Are they organic?

Finally, pull out the contents of your bathroom drawers and cupboards. I picked up some small drawer sized storage containers and organized by content. Who knew I had so much dental floss! And I certainly don’t need those maxi-pads. Many of these personal care items can be left at your local gym or shelter and will be gladly accepted.

Don’t forget to have some fun in between all this organizing. I love this picture of a storm rolling in while I took my dog, Tipper, for a walk.

1 Comment

  1. Liz

    Great blog! I need reminders like this all the time.

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