Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos

I don’t know about you, but I think that this year has been one of the most beautiful falls ever! There is so much color on the trees and shrubs outside that my living room is glowing red. We have been getting outside and enjoying the scenery as much as possible. Besides Tipper’s three or four walks a day, we have enjoyed going to the orchard for apples, visiting friends and family and working outside in the gardens.

One of my trips was to visit my sweet cousin to take a class on Dia de los Muertos. What a fun day we had learning about how the Mexican culture celebrates what we know of as “All Saints Day”. I learned that it is possible to reconnect with those who have gone before us by creating a celebratory alter to invite their souls back to our homes. It is an opportunity to prepare our loved one’s favorite meals, play their favorite music, share their pictures and honor their lives.

Besides reconnecting with family who have gone before me, it was also an opportunity to reconnect with family I still have. When you are busy working, it is very easy to loose track of friends and family. If you have reached a time in your life that you have some extra time, think back to someone you used to enjoy spending time with, or to family with whom you may share common interests. This is your opportunity to reach out. Have a go at it!

When you open your heart, sometimes you get a gift you didn’t expect. On the dry erase board of the community center, someone had written the five principles of Reiki. During the holidays, like many people, I can sometimes feel overwhelmed. I’ve written these principles down for myself and have already felt more peaceful by rereading them. I hope that they will be a gift for you as well.

Just for today;

  • I will not be angry.
  • I will not worry.
  • I will give gratitude for my many blessings.
  • I will do my work honestly.
  • I will be kind to all creation.

1 Comment

  1. Liz

    Wonderful and thoughtful as always.

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