Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions

November begins the start of the winter Holidays. It can be exhausting and emotional, but one way to get around the stress is to stick to the traditions. That doesn’t mean that you have to actually do everything; you’re old now! You can ask for help and share the load. I usually host Thanksgiving dinner. This year I am preparing the turkey, potatoes, stuffing and pies. I asked my guests to bring their favorite side to share with the group. All of my dishes can be made in advance so that I can enjoy the day. I can’t wait to taste everyone’s favorite foods.

Another way to reduce your holiday stress is to make lists of things that need to be done and then cross them off as you go. Did you forget something? No problem. Write it down. It’s amazing how much just writing it down will reduce your blood pressure. As a next step to getting everything done, I will add projects or chores to my calendar. I know that this sounds a little banal, but you will be surprised how quickly you will get items completed. You will end up with much more time to do some fun things like going to the art museum, Christmas displays, or the theater.

Remember you need to make time for yourself. Go to the gym, walk the dog or read that next book club book. In Wisconsin, we have the opportunity to pick up our annual Cooky Book from the power company. One of my favorite holiday traditions is to pick up the cooky book and go home to pick out which cooky I will make first. This year, I made the Spicy Mexican Chocolate Cooky. It is SO GOOD. And now you know why I need to go the gym.

Enjoy my pictures on one of my favorite Holiday Traditions; COOKIES. (I think I need that Christmas tree).


  1. Ruth

    Ooooo, those cookies look really good 😋!!
    Lots of excellent advice for the holidays!
    Hope your Thanksgiving is a wonderful time with family. Enjoy every minute.

  2. Liz Senn

    Great blog!

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