Little Friess Lake

Little Friess Lake

We went on a relaxing kayak trip to Little Friess Lake and headed south down the Oconomowoc River. It was like a trip on the Africa Queen. It was easy to imagine getting lost while floating down the river since the cattails were so tall and close. There was very little kayak traffic. The river was shallow with a fairly strong current in this section. I’m not sure how far south we could have gone, but it was apparent you needed a kayak with a shallow draft the further south you went. The water in Little Friess Lake is quite cloudy but the Oconomowoc River water was clear with a sandy bottom. Other than fish and birds, we didn’t see a lot of wildlife, but it was a beautiful sunny day with a gentle breeze and steady current.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Mary L Kantowski

    Great pics. Had a great time today.

  2. Liz Senn

    Looks like a wonderful time! Sorry I missed it. Love the pictures.

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