Summer Flowers

Summer Flowers

This was such a beautiful summer day, it couldn’t go to waste. We decided to walk another section of the Ice Age Trail along the Holy Hill Segment. It was a great example of a public/private partnership that allows the public access to private land. All I can say is, “Thank you!!” to the owners of this beautiful property. There were many wildflowers in full bloom and some already beginning to go to seed. The trail was well groomed and easy to follow. I appreciated the wooden footbridge that kept us off the prairie grass and safe from insects.

The day was mostly overcast and breezy with a 90 degree temperature. We hiked up to an altitude of 1270 feet above sea level, so we climbed more than 400 feet over our home ground. At the top of the hike, there was a lovely bench donated by a family which served as a perfect respite for enjoying the view and the warm breeze. I hope you like the pictures.


  1. Peggy

    Nice pictures, beautiful day.

  2. Liz Senn

    I should save this on my phone for when I next attempt the Ice Age trail. Thanks for the floral IDs! Looks like it was a beautiful hike.

  3. Ruth

    Thanks for sharing the super pictures and the helpful IDs. So much beauty in God’s world.

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