Creature of Habit

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I look in my closet and I feel like I don’t have anything to wear. At the same time, I find that I wear the same things all the time. Then, I get a 30% off coupon and I check the on-line sale to see if there is anything that I WANT. But do I really NEED anything? Have I just become a creature of habit?

Time to break this cycle.

It was an overcast, rainy day yesterday and I decided to spend it in my sports underwear trying on everything in my closet. I didn’t use the old fashioned rule that if you haven’t worn it over the last two years, get rid of it. I used my new rule, if it doesn’t FIT, get rid of it. I decided that if it’s in my closet, I bought it because I liked it. If I haven’t worn it, it could be that I haven’t seen it since I’ve just been pulling out the usual items and wearing them.

Remarkably, I’ve been able to hold a fairly steady weight over the years, but the weight has definitely been redistributed. I started with my dresser, checked and washed all my scarves. Then I moved on to shirts, sweaters, pants and socks. Once my dresser was organized, I moved on to my closet. Does everyone else have as many black slacks as I do? Believe me. When you retire, get rid of ALL your work clothes. You will not wear them again. You have a new life with new clothes! Even if you pick up a small part-time job, you will wear different clothes. Let someone else have those nice clothes.

It took a full work day, but two large boxes later, I have a freshly organized closet and dresser that ONLY has clothes that I will wear. AND, all the clothes fit. I discovered that I don’t need any new clothes except a couple of skorts for travel and golf. That’s it!

Recognizing the need to purge and organize will ultimately save me money on all those sales and will guarantee that anything I pull out of the closet to wear is clean, fits, and looks nice. Hmmm, do I have to organize my handbags next?


  1. Liz Senn

    Great thought and taking action in it!

  2. Ruthie

    You got a lot done in a day. Good job!

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