Feed Your Soul

Feed Your Soul

What have you done lately that made you feel energized; something out of the ordinary, that celebrated the work of another person? It doesn’t matter who or what, it just needs to be something special. That’s what we did last weekend when we went to see “Beyond Van Gogh” at the Wisconsin Center.

I think that we can all agree that Van Gogh’s paintings are genius. What struck me, was the heart wrenching, life long struggle with mental illness and the beauty created along the way. Did he see color more intensely? Did the world spin around him?

Even with all his struggles, the beauty he saw in the world was incredible. In this exhibit, the paintings came alive. Eyes blinked, pipes glowed and smoked, petals dropped away to reveal breathtaking landscapes. It is a reminder that the world around us is beautiful, we just need to get out of our shells and look. Find something beautiful in your world today.


  1. Liz

    Loved this! Such an extraordinary presentation! Would love to see how they did everything.

  2. Ruth Schmidt

    So lucky you got to see this.
    You are right about so much beauty in our world. Sometimes what seem to be the simplest things, have the most beauty.
    Art is expressed in so many ways with so many different kinds of mediums. I believe creativity is alive in each of us in different ways.
    Thanks as always for sharing.

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