Make a Difference

Make a Difference

There is so much need in the world. Whether it’s raising money for cancer research, heart disease, or doing the Alzheimer’s walk, there are many options our there. This past week, we chose to help the Afghan refugees. Because the refugees left with the clothes on their backs, the need includes clothes, water, toys and day to day self care items. Bob and I worked with our friends to collect as many items as we could and then drove them over to Fort McCoy. The collection site was located at the National Guard station near the fort. The guard men and women came out to unload our car and take items into the armory. They were extremely appreciative, and told us that they were gratified at the outpouring of support. Two items that were also needed include jeans, and bras. If you are able to help, there are a number of collection stations open around the state.

Our small group was able to contribute three pallets of goods to help. I’m grateful to know you all and include you in my group of friends. You’ve made a difference in someone’s life today.

  • 521 maxipads
  • 45 bars of soap
  • 46 tubes of toothpaste
  • 3 bottles of shampoo
  • 78 toothbrushes
  • 10 toothbrush/toothpaste kits
  • 62 deoderant
  • 10 pair of shower flip flops
  • 15 toys
  • 4 water bottles
  • 15 pr socks
  • 10 men’s briefs
  • 16 women’s briefs
  • 6 men’s undershirts
  • 9 towels
  • 7 infant socks
  • 1 pr infant shoes
  • 6 baby blankets
  • 7 baby sleepers
  • 8 toddler pants
  • 5 toddler shirts
  • 2 toddler jackets
  • 8 pr women’s shoes
  • 1 backpack
  • 24 bottles of water
  • 11 head scarfs
  • 31 ladies shirts
  • 16 pr ladies pants
  • 7 skirts
  • 11 ladies sweaters
  • 3 men’s sweaters
  • 3 men’s jackets
  • 15 men’s shirts
  • 11 men’s pants
  • 1 men’s shorts


  1. Liz Senn

    Wow! Thanks for doing this!

  2. Schmidt, Ruth

    Thanks for organizing and delivering all these donations and giving us a chance to contribute.
    God bless you!

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