Lizard Mound State Park

Lizard Mound State Park

We had a kayak trip planned, but the weather did not cooperate. It was just too cold for a bunch of us to load ourselves into our kayaks for a first trip down a cold choppy river. Since there was still ice on some of the rivers upstream, we decided it was the better part of valor to wait to attempt our first trip. Instead, my friend Mary suggested visiting a new Wisconsin State Park; Lizard Mound State Park near West Bend.

The parking area is paved and there is a nice picnic area which we used for lunch. The tables are in good condition and there is large gazebo with educational signage discussing the mounds and the lives of our earliest people.

It is amazing that these mounds survived years of farming, weather and vandalism. Those that survive are beautiful in their simplicity. The trails through the park are an easy hike, and respectfully avoid walking over the mounds. There are reminders throughout the park to stay on the trail to avoid poison ivy.

This was a great walk on a cool day. It offered reminders of warmer weather to come in the purple wildflowers and of the life supported by the forests in the decaying wood, and cozy ground nests. Sadly, we also see the destruction the Emerald Ash Borer has inflicted on our forests. The last picture is a map of mounds found throughout Wisconsin. I’m pointing to the area I grew up. I had no idea at the time that we lived on or near a mounds system.

My pictures don’t do the mounds justice, but I hope you enjoy them.

1 Comment

  1. Liz Senn

    Looks great! Way to pivot!

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