Honey Creek Adventure

I grew up in Racine County and often heard the name Honey Creek associated with businesses and products in the area and thought that it was about time I actually saw what Honey Creek was all about. After reaching out to my kayak group, I had a few takers willing to join me. This was not a trip for the faint of heart, but not because it was rough water. While the water is clear and filled with fish, clams and wildlife, it often has a swampy bottom that may widen into a shallow rocky waterway that you need to portage.

We were fortunate to see a group of Blue Herons and deer. The day was sunny and warm but fortunately not too hot. This was important when we came across newly fallen trees that completely blocked the way through. Unfortunately, this was in an area with high banks that would have been difficult to climb with a kayak.

Because I listened to dinosaur sounds on a podcast this morning, I was able to pretend that I was a Tyrannosaurus Rex and somehow wriggled my way through the spider filled tree branches. I heard the clashing of their sharp jaws but kept going anyway. After getting though, I looked back and one of my buddies was climbing the fallen tree and pulling other kayaks through. Amazing!

Please enjoy my pictures from this beautiful day. Look closely and you’ll see some early signs of fall.


  1. Liz Senn

    Looks like it was an adventurous but beautiful time. Sorry I missed it!

  2. Lani

    You described it perfectly and your pictures are beautiful. It was one heck of an adventure that’s for sure. Complete with a total body work out in the great outdoors.

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