Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness

Happy Holidays! Don’t I have a sweet dog? I know that the holidays can be stressful sometimes. Everyone has challenges in their lives. Some are harder than others, and some years are harder than others. But this I do know; it’s up to you to be happy. Choose happiness. What memories make you happy? Think about them. What activities make you happy? Do them! Better yet, do them with someone that you care about. Recently I was able to make a small quilt with a family member and it was a joyful experience. We have plans to paint together next time we see each other. One fun thing leads to another.

Try going for a walk. There’s nothing that will make you feel better than going for a walk. There are so many parks and preserves around that you will certainly find one that will give you something new to explore. If you don’t want to drive to a park, walk the neighborhood. Get to know your neighbors and make some new friends. You would be surprised how many dog lovers are out there walking their pets, and they all want to hear about how sweet their dogs are. Give it a go and talk to them.

If the weather is bad, try making that cookie recipe you wanted to try. There’s nothing like the smell of fresh baked goods to bring a smile to your face. Make a double batch and share it with a neighbor. You just might start something good.

Put a smile on your face. It belongs there. It’s a beautiful world and you’re a part of it. Enjoy my happy pictures and find your holiday happiness.

1 Comment

  1. Ruthie

    Stella, thanks for sharing your happiness through the year. May you keep that JOY alive through the year to come.

    Joy to the World, the Savior came!!
    And He will come again. Then there will be Joy like we have never seen before!!!!


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