Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I don’t know about you, but one thing I never do is to make New Year’s resolutions. As a young girl, I remember hearing “rules are made to be broken”. Well, if you’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution, I’ll bet you’ve broken it. I know I have, and it always makes me feel like I’ve failed. Since I don’t make resolutions, I don’t make myself feel like a failure.

Instead, I try to be my best every day. Does that mean that I have to accomplish more each day than the next, or lose ten pounds, or work harder than anyone? Absolutely NOT! Being the best means making yourself happy and leaving the world a better place. Do you feel like sitting in your jammies and reading that new book today? Do it. You aren’t wasting any resources and you will have something to talk about with your friends. Do you like to bake? Do it, but if you don’t want to put on any pounds, share it with family and friends. They will love you! Have you ever wanted to do something but don’t want to go alone? Send out a group email with the time and place. I’ll bet you find some takers.

My non-resolution this year is to continue to be happy. It’s almost like counting your blessings. What makes you happy? When I looked back at my pictures from the year, I have so many things that make me happy. Whether or not you are included in these pictures, just know that if you are in my life, you make me happy. Thank you for being there. These are some things that make me happy.






Learning something new

Doing something for someone


Remembering the past. Go Grandma!


  1. Ruth

    Love this post, Stella! It’s so very true.
    What a blessed year this has been for you. Thanks for making my year brighter!

    May 2022 find us all healthy and JOYFUL!
    Love yah,

  2. monica ennis

    Awesome blog, Sharon! And an awesome message. 🙂

    Monica Ennis

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