Sneak It In

Sneak It In

We had a stretch of cold weather rolling in, but we also had one day that was looking like a reprise. We still had a small stretch of the Pike Lake segment of the Ice Age Trail to walk so we called a couple of friends and found one that was crazy enough to go out in the cold with us. Since the trails were icy we put on our shoe spikes and headed out.

My favorite part of the Ice Age Trail is seeing the past in the present. How did the old plow find its way to the top of a hill and become wrapped in surrounding trees? And what fun to find a snowy bench where someone traced a friendly greeting in the snow. Of course you are never alone in the woods. I wonder whose little footprints we see?

We enjoyed a beautiful day that started out sunny and ended up wonderfully overcast as the weather blew in. Since we walked along Pike Lake, we enjoyed watching the ice fishermen. I wonder if the fishing was good? We saw several dogs on the trail, some wearing dog boots to keep their feet warm. I’ve tried using them on my dog, Stumpy, but they seem to be a little too slippery for her three legs. My generous friend Mary brought Hot Toddies to warm us up after our walk. Enjoy the pictures.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Schmidt

    Brrrrrrr, glad you had a good day.

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