Winter’s Promise

Winter’s Promise

I know that many of you are cleaning up from the recent snowstorm, but yesterday, we were able to go for a beautiful walk in the bright blue sunshine. It was a perfect winter day; one that shows the promise of spring. I found a few berries and wild grapes, though most had been eaten by birds and mice. Many plants had already given up their seeds but a few still clung tightly, stubbornly waiting for warmer weather to sprout anew. In sheltered sunny places, you could catch glimpses of green through the melted snow.

I hope you enjoy my pictures and that they inspire you to start getting ready for spring. I know that it inspired me to start thinking about more outdoor activities. Time to get ready for golf!

Maple Seeds
Red Twig Dogwood
Green Grass

1 Comment

  1. Ruthie

    Stella, you continue to impress me with your descriptive writing. Glad you had a chance to get out on that beautiful day, snuck in between the extra cold ones.
    As always, your pictures are a feast for the eyes. My favorite is the red twig dogwood.
    How about a little mini golf too.

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